1. Rewriting
For this workshop, you need to use repository git-next-level-workshop-rewriting.git (workshop resources).
1.1. Playing with rebase
1.1.1. Basics
See [rebaseInteractiveBasics] first and along the lab if needed.
1.1.2. Let’s start
Open your shell,
to the git workshop repository, list all commits.
Respect the steps order of the following. If you don’t, you may change commit SHA-1 and not be able to find the SHA-1 given below. |
1.1.3. Easy ramp up
The three last commits ("Add jumbotron (partXXX)") are not consistent separately, merge these commits to create only one (and remove the useless (partXXX) part of the commit log).
(For reference: first commit SHA-1 shortened version =
1.1.4. A bit harder
Let’s fix them! |
Start an interactive rebase
Edit the "Add footer + rename header menus" commit to split it in two distinct commits (hint:
git reset HEAD~1
andadd -p
A first one with header
A second one with the footer part
Then, just merge the "Add style.css (footer)" commit into that second one you just created
you can choose to do the exercise above in one go, or do it in two successive interactive rebases. |
1.1.5. Smoothy landing
has a spelling error. Fix it.
1.2. Playing with dangling commit
Execute this command :
git checkout fe9ba27
This commit has been modified during previous actions. But you can still check it out.
How does Git keep track of it?
Explain why.
1.3. Playing with "cherry-pick"
The current repository has a branch named "header-black-experiment". Execute :
git checkout header-black-experiment
List all commits.
Using cherry-pick command, try to retrieve commit edcdd0a on the master branch